20-week online ColdFusion Course
You will learn:
- What is coldfusion
- Editions of ColdFusion
- ColdFusion Components
- Language Reference Features
- Using End Tags
- Resources
- Administering ColdFusion
- The Administrator
- Summary of Administrative Tasks
- Adding Data Sources
- ColdFusion Tags
- Create a coldfusion page
- Elements of ColdFusion Expressions
- Date-and-time values
- Escaping
- Using Variables
- Testing the existence of a variable
- CFML comments
- Building a Query
- Add a data source with the Administrator
- Retrieving Data using CFQUERY
- Display data from a database to the web page
- Create a Query to retrieve data
- Write a ColdFusion page to retrieve all its records
- Display your retrieved data and order it
- Output a Maximum number of record rows
- Insert records in a database through a web interface
- Find the number of Records in a database Using RecordCount
- Writing SQL statements
- Basic SQL Syntax elements
- Form and form action file to process the form
- Creating Action Pages
- Setting conditions in your QUERY
- Linking & passing variables to another page
- Passing variables using url and ParameterExists
- Incorporate Java applet in your ColdFusion page
- Create form and input types using CFFORM and CFINPUT
- Create drop-down list box form control using ColdFusion tags
- Create a Slider Control in your ColdFusion page
- Create text-entry box with input validation and font characteristics
- Output and format Data to a web page from a Query
- Looping and Display Query output
- Setting Cookies
- Exception Handling using CFTRY CFCATCH
- Operators
- Shorthand notations
- Manipulation of Database
- Insert new records through web interface using CFINSERT
- Update database through web interface using CFUPDATE
- Flow control using CFIF CFELSEIF CFELSE3
- Using CFFILE
- Repeat instructions using CFLOOP
- Looping over a Query
- Using CFMAIL
- Date and Time Functions
- Decision Functions
- Using isarray
- Using ParameterExists
- Using isnumerdate
- String functions
- Using max
- Using Mid
- Using RemoveChars
- Using Replace
- Using Val
- Mathematical Functions
- Using fix
- Using rand
- Using rand
- Using RandRange
- Display and Formatting Functions
- Using DollarFormat
- Using FormatBaseN
- Using YesNoFormat
- Using ParagraphFormat
- Using TimeFormat
- Dynamic Evaluation Functions
- DE
- Using iif
- International Functions
- List Functions
- Using ListGetAt
- Using ListDeleteAt
- Using ListSort
- Query Functions
- Create user logon page and user login name and password verification
- Create a search engine
- Create a simple Ecommerce page
Cost: $US295 (US dollars) including course notes
and lots of examples and exercises. You will have your own instructor
whom you can ask as many questions as possible by email. You have the
option of completing the course between 8 to 20 weeks.
Next online course (Ecourse) starting date:
Our next online course starting date is Monday 19 November 2012
Enquires or Enrolment:
Email: courses@expert.com.hk
Phone: + 61 3 9700 6260 (9am-5pm Australian Eastern time Monday
to Friday)
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